Celebrate TDM Week

Join us in celebrating TDM Week, May 10 – May 14, by walking in Arlington.

What is TDM?

Transportation demand management (TDM) is the successful compliment to infrastructure. It focuses on understanding how people make their transportation decisions and helping people use the infrastructure in place for transit, ridesharing, walking, biking, and telework.

It is cost-effective in guiding the design of our transportation and physical infrastructure so that alternatives to driving are naturally encouraged and our systems are better balanced.

Benefits of TDM:

Connect people to jobs
Create efficient multimodal transportation systems
Enhance equity
Improve sustainability
Reduce traffic congestion and car crashes

WalkArlington and TDM

WalkArlington is Arlington County’s walking education and encouragement program, started in 2009. Active modes of transportation, including walking, biking, and rolling are central to Arlington’s vision of an equitable transportation system that enhances the overall quality of life for those who live, work and play here.