Safe Streets Start With You
It doesn’t matter where you’re going or what transportation option you choose, as long as you get to your destination safely. We are safest when everyone does their part to follow the rules of the road by being a PAL (predictable, alert, and lawful).
- Predictable
Ride predictably so others can see you and predict your movements. Use hand signals to indicate turns. - Alert
Scan the route ahead for traffic, opening car doors, people walking, and obstacles on the road surface. - Lawful
Obey all traffic signals, signs, and lane markings.
- Predictable
Sign-up for PAL Updates
Commit to doing your part as a bicyclist, driver, or person walking by filling out the form below and becoming a PAL. We’ll keep you up to date on traffic laws, provide safety tips to help you travel in and around Arlington with confidence, share opportunities to volunteer at upcoming events, and so much more.
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